Monday, March 18, 2013


I am so lucky to work with gorgeous year 2 and 3 children on a Friday afternoon. We get to discuss interesting ideas and so far have talked about friendship and this week started talking about existence. What fabulous ideas they have. We have been working on justifying our ideas.

We started the session reading 'The Bunyip of Berkeley Creek' and then talked about other creatures that we knew about.
Other questions we touched on included:
How do we know if something exists?
Why do we say things don't exist?
What things might exist in our heads?

We then thought about different things and discussed if they existed or not or if we just didn't know.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Groups Up and Running

Wow, half way through Term 1 already. It is scary how quickly time flies sometimes!

This term we are already well underway with many of our groups.
Year 2 Philosophy - Friday afternoon
Year 3  Philosophy - Friday afternoon
Year 3 Sport - Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
Year 3/4 Kiwi Kids News - Weds afternoon
Y 1- 6 French - Thursday afternoon
Y5/6 Future Problem Solving - Tuesday afternoon.

More extension groups will be up and running shortly!

Please use the pages on the left to find out more and email me if you have any questions.