Monday, November 19, 2018

Young Writers Workshop

Last week some of our Year 3 and 4 students were selected to participate in a two day Young Writers Workshop. This workshop was run by Gail from the School for Young Writers.
On the first day, the students used metaphor, simile and other language devices, such as appealing to the senses, to write their poems. Writing list poems and persona poems, they learned about shaping words into line-breaks and stanzas.

On the second day, the students worked on some aspects of sound, namely using rhythm, repetition and onomatopoeia in their poetry. They also worked on re-drafting and publishing their poems, which have been sent to Write On magazine for consideration for publication.

This group of students were engaged and hard-working, and some wonderful creative work was produced.
Please enjoy a sample of the children's poetry.

AMI Stadium
The people just come in
and yell, scream, count down
the seconds. I can smell
donuts, chips and burgers
The people watch the All Blacks
play with the ball,
the Crusaders kicking, Hurricanes
versus Highlanders.
The people leave.
Nothing’s going on.
I get so lonely, but
the next night
it all happens again.
Archie McCormick, Year 4, St Albans School
Sam’s pet
Down the street, I was walking
with my pet, Speedy
the Cheetah.
People gazed at Speedy and
Speedy gazed right back.
“Sam, you forgot your lunch!!!” yelled Mum.
Speedy was spotted,
Monty wanted to race
Speedy. So did Tommy
and Jill.
Do you want to see Speedy?
My cheetah, oh please come,
come to me!
Olivia Walker, Y4,St Albans School
Scratch scratch
Go the branches on the roof.
Scratch scratch
Go the cat’s claws on the wood.
Scratchy scratch
Ollie Ellis year 4 St Albans School

The very hot, deserted island
What I need here:
A spare army of mosquitos
so the mosquitos on the island
don’t bite me
A heater to heat me on a cold day
A shovel to dig for gold
A bucket to make sandcastles
A plank of wood to
attack dangerous animals
A surfboard to go surfing on
An icepick to climb the ice
if it snows
A skateboard to have fun when I’m bored
Training wheels for the skateboard
An electric guitar
A cup to drink the salty water
Coffee to drink if I don’t l don’t like the salty water
Hot chocolate to drink if I don’t like the coffee
A flag so savers can see me
waving on the beach
Gus Strieker Year 4 St Albans School
Sydney Harbour Bridge
On high rocks
I stand astride
I see ferries, fishing boats and freights
sailing past me.
Trucks, Mitsubishis and two-wheel cars
cruise on and off me.
My best friend has enormous sails
but cannot float.
I love my life, but
I wish I were a car.
Bella Tume y4 St Albans School
The beach
The sand beneath my toes
a bed of feathers.
The waves and sea
cold as melted ice
when I dip my toes
in the water.
Monty Baker, Y3 St Albans School
The jacuzzi
The steaming air above me, the feel
of my jets, spying people
in my water, playing,or relaxing.
When night falls
I get switched off
And have a still sleep.
Monty Baker, Y3 St Albans School
Blowing bubble gum
Pop goes my gum
Pop pop goes the
Fireworks over
head as I lay
in bed
pop pop pop.
Audrey Worsley, Y3 St Albans School

Having a pet blobfish
I have a pet blobfish.
He is very blobby.
When I take him for walks,
people point and stare,
And then they say
“Look it's a blobfish, one of the top ten ugliest animals”
I feel sad for my pet,
but then I think
“what if he could be famous.”
Luciana Willmott Dalton Year 4 St Albans School

Going to the sun!

I need enchanted macaroni that cooks itself
in case I get hungry,
maybe a sun-bathing towel
so I can get a tan!

I will take my fire-proof bed
in case I get sleepy,
a wooden plank to stand on,
(which will burn straight away)
so I don’t get burnt!

I will take a trained penguin,
(it’s not trained)
to teach me how to keep cool,

I’m going to take a very light, light bulb
in case it gets dark!
(it’s the sun, it won’t get dark)

One last thing…
My house!!!

I’m going to live there!!!

Daisy Makin, Y4 St Albans School

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